Apply now to be an Uchi Deshi Student in Far North Queensland, Australia

In 2024, World Kyokushin Kaikan Australia (WKK Australia) will bring a unique opportunity to become one of the first WKK Australia Uchi Deshi to enrol in this rigorous program in Far North Queensland. Our Uchi Deshi program builds one’s character by unleashing your inner & physical strength, forging an iron spirit, and tempering self-discipline through modern sports science, traditional Kyokushin Karate training and Ancient Okinawan Kobudo.

With the Never-ever-give spirit, the Japanese term Uchi Deshi translates to English as a “live-in student” or “inside” In Australia, it can be referred to as an apprentice. The intense training is not limited to the dojo but also outside. With Cairns nestled along the coastline of the Great Barrier Reef and abundant rainforests, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to train within some of Australia’s most breathtaking environments and with one of Australia’s top international fighters and instructors.

This intensive training program ranges from three months to three years. Only through a selection criterion can one become an Uchi Deshi due to the meticulous commitment needed. Once enrolled as an Uchi Deshi, the strongest heart and determination are required, being able to listen and show respect whilst following along the ever-learning Budo path.

If you feel this is your path as a true karateka, please email your interest to Shihan Jason Crimmin, as applications are limited.

Ushi Deshi Cairns
Live Karate Cairns
Karate Australia Cairns

Study Kyokushinkai Karate in beautiful Far North Queensland – the Great Barrier Reef, Rainforests- a spectacular place to be an Uchi Deshi student. Email Shihan Crimmin for more information now.

Kyokushinkai Karate


Kyokushin Karate

(12 + Years)

Monday: 6 pm - 8 pm

Friday: 7 pm - 8.30 pm

Saturday: 10 am - 11.30 am

Young Lions

(6- 11 Years)

Monday: 4.30 pm - 5.30 pm

Saturday: 9 am - 10 am

Yamane Ryu Kobudo

Friday: 5.30 pm - 7 pm

Kyokushinkai Karate