Yamane Ryu Kobudo

Yamane-ryu is a dynamic form of Kobudo that employs very swift but powerful circular motions; with its unique distinct pattern of twisting thrusts, body mechanics and pliable footwork, it became widely known as the strongest kobudo.

Due to a ban on military weapons in Okinawa, many Okinawan farmers and civilians sought out ordinary agricultural implements for their self-defence. They are now recognised as specialist fighting tools; these weapons came from your everyday items. Yamane Ryu Kobudo, referred to as the mountain-style weapon art, stems from Samukawa village, Okinawa, where it was developed in the late 1800s by Chinnen Sanda (1846 to 1928), also known as Yamane no Chinnen. It has been passed down through Oshiro Chojo to Kinjo Hiroshi Patrick McCarthy to Bill Johansen and finally taught to Jason Crimmin at the famous Brisbane Koryukan, where it is now taught in Cairns, Far North Queensland.
The Traditional weapons that are taught are:
– Bo – 6ft tapered staff.
– Eiku – Boat Oar.
– Sai – Three-pronged metal truncheon.
– Kama – Farming sickle.
– Tekko – Horses shoe/stirrup.
– Tinbe & Rochin – Shield and spear.
– Nunchaku – Horse’s Bit.
– Tonfa – Police side-handle baton.

Yamane Ryu Kobudo Cairns
Yamane Ryu Kobudo Cairns
Kobudo Demonstration Far North Queensland
Yamane Ryu Kobudo Cairns